Thursday, January 20, 2011


Upon reading Self-Reliance and Walden a few ideas came into my mind. The first idea I thought about was how each author analyzed the idea of being someone. Being a person. In Self-Reliance Emerson's first line is "Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist". Emerson's first line to me says something about him as a person. Emerson believes a man consists of certain things (he's already given us one). To Emerson, from reading his document, a man doesn't consist of just age or wealth. "The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet." A man has built something for himself to rely upon later in life. Working towards something. I think that's part of what Emerson is all about.  Thoreau on the other hand defines what being a person is by the problems he shows the reader. The man in Walden wants to "front only the essential facts of life". Remember, simplicity. I believe that Walden is all about understanding and simplifying the more complex things in life. Complex Simplicity. I believe these two authors believe a man consists of simplicity and the ability to understand, Self-Reliance and following a pursuit of happiness.

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